
Random pearls from the interweb web web

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Pic I found from a friend on facebook that gives a feeling words cannot describe.

Nimbus 2010, Cloud In Room
Nimbus 2010, Cloud In Room
Cumulus 2010, Plastic model of Exhibition space, Aerogel also known as frozen smoke consists of 99.8 % air and is the lightest solid on earth.
                                                            by Berndaut

The FAD. Futuristic looking Peruvian assault rifle produced in 2008. Less than 200 made to date.

The latest beat machine from AKAI to date. The MPC 5000. Originally, being a big, big brother to the MPC 3000, it was to be the 3500, but since they saw that it as more like a gargantuan brother on steroids they switched it up to 5000. This one has a custom Vader black vibe to it.
Screen capture from a movie... =)

"...And then there was me. Little Jack Frost. Me and The Lost One. The King-Of-All-Tears. I Remember I was dead calm. I reached into that bag Tom had left me and there was a little tin filled with fag ends he must have saved up from ashtrays and gutters. I crumpled them up into ash and drew a circle round me. You know the weird thing? It's the way it all seems normal. You're standing there with an alien demon or something right in front of you and it all seems normal. It's only afterwards it hits you. After it all, you're thinking 'what the fuck was that?' It could't get at me. I didn't know how I'd managed to put up a shield, but I had. It just felt like I wasn't alone in my head. It felt like I had guests. Then something just clicked. It wasn't in my head; it was like a door opened in my heart and I knew what to do. I'd always known. "

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